Uploading Large Files into Amazon S3

I recently had to upload some VHDs to Amazon S3 and found myself going beyond the upload limits for the web upload.  In order to accomplish uploading the 50GB files I used the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI).  If you need to know how to install the CLI check here (Install CLI)

1. Open a command prompt As Administrator.

2. Make sure your CLI configuration is up to date.

C:\Windows\System32> aws configure
AWS Access Key ID: yourkey
AWS Secret Access Key: youraccesskey
Default region name [us-east-1]: yourregion
Default output format [None]: json

3. Create your bucket on S3 if it's not already there.

4. Run the following command. 

C:\Windows\System32> aws s3 cp c:\temp\yourfile.vhd s3://yourbucket/VHDs

5. After you run the command the output window will provide you feedback as to how much of your download is complete and your current upload speed.

C:\Windows\System32> aws s3 cp c:\temp\yourfile.vhd s3://yourbucket/VHDs
Completed 1.1 GiB/50 Gib (14.1 MiB/s) with 1 file(s) remaining


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