
Showing posts from October, 2019

PCF Color Picker

For anyone looking for a PCF Color Picker I just released one out on GitHub! It utilizes React and the Office UI Fabric controls. GitHub Project Solution File Note - Image above shows the color field twice so that you see that the field is being updated.

Dynamics BPF Javascript: NEW onPreStageChange Handler!

If you are utilizing the UCI interface there is a new JavaScript handler available for the Business Process Flows (BPF), onPreStageChange .  Unlike the onStageChange handler on Pre StageChange fires before the actual business process has been changed so that you can evaluate if you want the change to occur and prevent it if needed. With this new handler we can now get rid of many of the Synchronous workflows used previously to evaluate the changes made to a BPF.  By removing these workflows the overall performance of your BPF changes should be increased.  Additionally calling JavaScript code being before the change also eliminates additional problems such as the users clicking the Next/Previous multiple times before the workflows have been fired ( Tip #360 )  To utilize the new handler you will needed to create a function and then pass that function into the addOnPreStageChange function provided under executionContext.getFormContext().data...

Icon Resources for Dynamics

Below are resources that you can utilize within your Dynamics project for generating icons. Image Icons IcoMoon Font Imager FlatIcons Icons8 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Icon Pack Microsoft Dynamics 365 Icon Pack for 2017 Metro Studio  - Additional Info On How to Use from PowerObjects React Icons These are icon libraries that can be utilized within a React PCF control. Office UI Fabric