Use Dynamics WebAPI to get Record Count
Use Dynamics WebAPI to get Record Count When working in an environment where tools like XrmToolbox are not available or allowed getting a total record count can be a real pain sometimes. One way of doing it just using the browser involves using the Dynamics WebAPI. This came in handy last time we were doing a data load on our production system and wanted to see the status of how many records had been imported. Small Data Set ( < 5k) If you are trying to get the count for 5,000 or less records. you can do a simple count on the data. Format /api/data/v9.0/<Entity Set Name>/?$count=true Example /api/data/v9.0/contacts/?$count=true Data Returned {"@odata.context":"$metadata#contacts", "@odata.count":3 ,"value": Large Data Set ( > 5k & < 50k) If your record set will have 5k or more you can utilize the webapi by creating a FetchXml aggregate query, this does have a limitation of...